Use the links below to view climate and fisheries outlooks and advisories available in the region.

NEFSC Current Conditions
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Produced in the spring and the fall, the Current Conditions of the Northeast Shelf Ecosystem provides information on sea surface temperature, phytoplankton and zooplankton blooms, chlorophyll distribution, species trends, long term projections and more.

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OceanAdapt is a collaboration between Rutgers University and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) to provide information about the impacts of changing climate and other factors on the distribution marine life to the National Climate Assessment, fisheries communities, policy makers, and others.

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NCEI NWA Regional Climatology
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The NCEI (National Center for Environmental Information) Regional Climatology Team developed a new set of high-resolution quality-controlled long-term annual, seasonal and monthly mean temperature and salinity fields on different depth levels.

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Gulf of Maine Climate Impacts and Outlook
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The quarterly Gulf of Maine Region Climate Impacts and Outlook offers a snapshot of recent weather events and anomalies, regional weather impacts on ecosystems and economic sectors, and a forecast for the coming three months.

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North American Multi-Model Ensemble
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The North American Multi-Model Ensemble (NMME) is a seasonal prediction system that combines forecasts and coupled models from the leading North American modeling centers

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